
Classic Deviled Eggs

Let me just start this off by acknowledging: deviled eggs seem like a quintessentially spring food. So why am I sharing this in August? But deviled eggs are fantastic picnic food, which hopefully we’re doing all summer long! So if you’re looking ahead to Labor Day and you need something to bring to a cookout, take deviled eggs. Delicious and easy, it’s a great way to bring protein that doesn’t need grill marks! This crowdpleaser might disappear before dinner is served, so bring a bunch of them!

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

Start by hard boiling eggs. I love my egg timer and highly recommend it!

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

After you’ve separated the yolks, mix them with the mustard, mayo, spices and any extras.

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

You can fake a piping bag by using a ziplock bag and cutting a hole in one corner.

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

Before serving, sprinkle with paprika!

Best of all, you can customize them. I’ve shared the most basic recipe, but I highly recommend adding some fixin’s. My favorite is a southern classic, pickle relish. But there’s so many other options: herbs like dill or basil, bacon, horseradish, or avocado (minced or mashed).

I grew up eating these, so the recipe is a combination of Mark Bittman’s, The Joy of Cooking, and my mom’s.

A few quick tips: using eggs that are a few days old are easier to peel. For hard boiling, pay attention because you don’t want the green sulfur ring in your filling.

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

Deviled Eggs


  • 8 eggs, hard-boiled
  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne (optional)
  • Paprika for sprinkling


  1. Hard boil the eggs and let them cool completely.
  2. Peel & cut in half lengthwise, then put the yolks in a mixing bowl. Use a knife to cut the yolks into small pieces.
  3. Add the salt, mustard, cayenne, and half the mayonnaise. Stir everything together until one consistency. Add more mayonnaise until the flavor and texture is where you want it. If you’re adding extra ingredients, do so here.
  4. Scoop the mixture into a ziplock bag and cut off the tip to pipe it into the whites. Cover and chill. Just before serving, sprinkle the paprika on top.

Making deviled eggs is super easy, and a great addition to any picnic or cookout! | Teaspoon of Nose

What are your Labor Day plans? Any weekend getaways or end-of summer celebrations?

The links above contain affiliate links, which means I get a few cents (at no extra cost to you) if you book or buy something via that link. This helps me keep costs down and posts up! All images copyright Teaspoon of Nose.

15 thoughts on “Classic Deviled Eggs

  1. I used to absolutely love devilled eggs before I stopped eating them …. and that’s making me crave for them seeing those pictures!! what is it about eggs and mayonnaise that are just the perfect combination?!

  2. These look so good, love the pictures. Thank you for reminding me to make these, I love the idea of adding mustard to it, I love mustard in everything but never tried it with eggs.

  3. I’m a weirdo who absolutely hates eggs but these are actually my family’s favourite! I’m sure a lot of people will find this post super inspirational, I often run out of snack ideas myself!

  4. Deviled eggs are one of my favorite picnic snacks or go to food for any season. Even though it’s a “spring” food. I like this recipe and I will try it. I never put mustard in mine because I’m not such a fan. But I love it with paprika, thyme and rosemary

  5. You know…deviled eggs sound like a great idea for Labor Day weekend! And what is this egg timer that you have?! I always seem to put a pot on the stove to boil eggs and I think, “Oh, it’s just boiling eggs, it will be fine,” and then I forget to set a timer or check the time, and then I come back 10 minutes later and pull them off and they’re not fully cooked yet, or I totally forget about them and come back and hour later and I’ve almost ruined the pot (see, this is why I’m not allowed to cook and why Ryder runs out the doggy door whenever I putz around in the kitchen). So basically…I need that egg timer, haha!

    1. Haha I love it! I hear you, I’ve definitely forgotten about them and had to start over. 😉 This is the one I use: It doesn’t make noise, so you still have to keep an eye on it, but it’s nice because you know exactly how cooked they are at any given time.

  6. I don’t know why, but I always forget about devilled eggs (maybe it’s the name LOL). Thanks for the reminder and suggestions on how to change them up a bit. 🙂

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