Life, Travel

Hiking Oklahoma: Kite Trail

While the rest of the Internet has fully embraced fall, southwest Oklahoma can’t seem to make up its mind. Some days don’t get above 50°F and others we’re still seeing high 80’s. So when we found ourselves with a warm day, we headed straight for the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and checked out Kite trail!

Life, Travel

Hiking Oklahoma: Elk Mountain

One of the great advantages of moving west is a change of hiking scenery! My east coast self equates hikes with forests, rivers and mountain views. Here in Oklahoma it’s more cacti and rocks, but we’ve still managed to find some mountain views at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Elk Mountain trail.


Montreal Canal Life

Part three of my series on visiting Montreal might be my favorite! We spent the morning exploring the Montreal canal area. It’s close enough to downtown to walk, but far enough to lose most of the city feel.


Montreal: Old Port

Did you know that Montreal is 375 years old this year? There’s been all sorts of celebrations and events in honor of the anniversary. My friends met up there for a long-overdue girls’ trip to check out the city! First stop? Old Port!